Thursday, October 7, 2010

Still More Odd Signs Out There

There are still many more odd signs,bumper stickers,shirts,church bulletins, and more out there.
Look around you,and you will see them all.
" Sing up for the field trip to the zoo." -on a permission slip for a class field trip to the zoo (notice the spelling error, it says "sing up" instead of "sign up") * I just made this up to see how well you are paying attention.
" ATM Inside..."-on a church sign
" No Perfect People Allowed Here, Only Sinners!" - on a church sign
" This Sundays Topic:The Runaway Son vs. The Faithful Son!" - on a church sign
" Want to go to Heaven? To Bad. Only Repentant Sinners Get Too!"-church sign (more serious than some other the other ones)
" The Demons Know Jesus & The Devil Does Too!"- on a billboard for a church (talk about an odd sign)
"Only Satan will Pretend to Be Your Friend!" -church sign
" Polticians Welcome!"-on a life insurance agency door
"Need Car Insurance ? Good Cause We Sell It!" -on a car insurance building's window
"Everyone Welcome! Please No Talking During Sermon!" -undemonational church sign
" Sign Language Available for Those who speak English, or for the deaf." -on a church sign for a church where spanish is spoken (what no intrepretor for those who speak English,you have got to be kidding me?)
"All Children Left In the Store After Hours, Will Be sold!"- sign inside a thirft store
"The Used Parents Store!"-sign inside a thirft store
" Come Early: Get 50% discount!"-sign on a store called the Baragain Box
" Will Work for Anything! -Rev. 11:4" -sign held by someone claiming to be homeless (yet the Bible reference is for a verse that says "Liars Go to hell." talk about knowing the right scripture to use on their sin.)
" Need Help! Call 1-555-... I will tell you your future! Except on Sundays, then I am busy telling someone elses future!" -sign beside a hamburger and hotdog resturant
"We Buy Ugly Houses!"-sign on a billboard
"Sorry,Our Souls Are Not For Sell!"-sign in a discount store
" No putting signs on the street lights,telephone poles,or trees!"-sign on a telephone pole
"Lost tire! Then it lists someones name,and phone number to call if found."- on a tree
" Bobs Heating and Air! We fix all your Heat and Air Problems!"-sign on a truck for a heating and air conditioning company

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Still More odd Signs

"Notice: We are not responsible for any damage done to cars, by shopping carts or this stand. We are not responsible for any damage done to your personnel vehicle. Thanks, Management." - Sign posted on the shopping cart return area in the parking lot outside Food Lion
"No trespassing after hours. Anyone caught doing so will be prosecuted." -sign at a gas station
"No weapons beyond this point." -sign beside the security point at the courthouse
"Fire Exit. Push. Alarm will Sound!"-sign on a emergency door at the dollar store
"No parking on Grass. Do Not Block Other Vehicles."-sign in the parking lot at the park
"No parking in front of the entrance." -sign on the door to the mall.
" Don't Pull. Push to open the door."-sign on a door to an antique shop
" Hungry Church: No Perfect People Allowed."-church sign
" Service Times This Week? Same As Last Week!"-church sign
" YOU 'RE WELCOME TO OUR CHURCH! What is Missing? Come on in and you will see!"-church sign
"What is missing? You Are!"-church sign
" Welcome Visitors! Members Expected!"-church sign
" Sermon: Series on Red Hot Monogamy!"-billboard advertising a church series on sex from a biblical prospective
" Come One and All to a Sermon on the First Fall!"-church sign
"What is Satan Like? Come hearing the preaching series by our youth pastor."-church sign (was this is a typo, or was it meant to sound so weird?)