Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Cont. Odd Signs Out There

  • " No Smoking Beyond This Point."- on the door to the gift shop at the zoo
  • " Thank You For Not Smoking." -on the door to the bathrooms at the zoo
  • "No Outside Food or Drinks Allowed." -on the soda machine at the zoo
  • " This Is A Smoke-Free Restaurant. Do Not Smoke."-on the wall inside Yum Yum's
  • " No Parking Any time." -in an Employees Only parking lot outside the police station
  • " Buckle Up South Carolina. It is the Law. "-located on a sign in South Carolina of course
  • "Welcome to Hicksville." -a sign welcoming people to Hicksville, NC (odd name for a city)
  • " This is a Cash Only Toll Booth." -on a toll booth in Pennsylvania
  • " Do Not Take Checks or Credit at this Lane. This is a Cash Only Lane." -on a pole outside on of the lines in Super Walmart
  • " No Smoking. "-sign on a fence outside a field
  • " Revelation 11:4 followed by the words Will Work For Food." -on a card board sign held by someone near a busy intercession (the Bible reference does not make sense with the rest of this sign)
  • "Will Work For Food. God Bless You! "-on a card board sign held by a person to lazy to find a job
  • " No Smoking. Turn Off All Cell Phones. Cell phone use or smoking while at this tank may cause an explosion or even death. "-on a pole supporting the shelter over a gas tank at a BP station
  • " No Smoking." -on the door to a gas station that sells ciggarettes

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